

Chicks on Speed: 'Super Surfer Girl' (directed by Mariah Garnett, 2008).


From original press release notes found on phinnweb.blogspot.com

It may be winter in central Europe, but somewhere it's hot hot summer, like in down under Australia.

The Single 'Super Surfer Girl', in CHIX style, isn't just a song, but a full-blown international advertising campaign, based around a range of girls surfwear, COS designed in collaboration with Insight, Australia, titled "INSIGHT ON CHICKS ON SPEED" to be launched on December 5th worldwide, along with a video, by New York artist Mariah Garnett.

Always with Attitude, the Chicks created the song Super Surfer Girl, as an anthem for surf babes the world over, poking fun at feminist theory, and yet, empowering and encouraging young women to take their destiny into their own hands. 'Super Surfer Girl' is WALL OF SOUND and the love of kitsch combined into a celebration of beach and rough surf culture.


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